As we recognize and celebrate Pride Month, it’s important to remember to listen to those of us that might have different views and opinions. I was reminded of the importance of this as I was reading Rick Rubins’ book The Creative Act. Here’s the excerpt: 

“Formulating an opinion is not listening. Neither is preparing a response, or defending our position or attacking another’s. To listen impatiently is to hear nothing at all. Listening is suspending disbelief. We are openly receiving. Paying attention with no preconceived ideas. The only goal is to fully and clearly understand what is being transmitted, remaining totally present with what’s being expressed—and allowing it to be what it is. Anything less is not only a disservice to the speaker, but also to yourself. While creating and defending a story in your own head, you miss information that might alter or evolve your current thoughts.

Listening without prejudice is how we grow and learn as people. More often than not, there are no right answers, just different perspectives. The more perspectives we can learn to see, the greater our understanding becomes. Our filter can begin to more accurately approach what truly is, rather than a narrow sliver interpreted through our bias.”

Practicing unbiased listening enhances leadership. It fosters a culture where all feel heard, promoting collaboration and diverse contributions. Understanding different perspectives informs better decision-making and cultivates inclusivity.

How will you listen without prejudice today? From a place of genuine curiosity and empathy?