Remember that text I sent on that Monday morning from the previous post:

“I’m quitting, giving my two weeks, or maybe I’ll just walk out of here,” I texted my best friend.  

It was a Monday morning, about a month into my new job and career. Admittedly, I was a hot mess. I’d been up since about 2 AM. It had been one of those raging, out-of-control Sundays spent dreading Monday. What had I done? What had I gotten myself into? Had I really quit my career of 25 years, left everything I’d known, and moved to a city and job that was clearly not what I wanted? 

What got me into that situation was not having a clear vision of what I wanted to do in my career. I had allowed myself to “drift” into a terrible career situation! 

A career vision, a clear and specific idea of what you want to be doing, where you want to be doing it, and who you want to be doing it with, is the central pillar to a successful, resilient, and fulfilling career for these crazy changing times. 

Here’s my challenge to you. Step back, take a breath, and commit to creating time to reflect on what you genuinely want. It’s incredible, and I see this repeatedly with my clients. The ones who do the deep dive to create a clear vision for their careers are then able to go out and make it a reality. Once given a clear and decisive direction, most people can be unstoppable. 

 Begin by spending a few hours, minimum, reflecting and writing out your thoughts regarding the following key components of a powerful career vision:

What do I want to experience and feel daily in my career? 

What type of environment do I want to be working in? What type or types of settings do I thrive in? 

What types of people do I want to be working with and for? Who are the types of people that give me energy, spark my passion, and inspire me to be around? 

From a career perspective, what am I passionate about? How can I apply that passion for helping others and being part of a more significant cause? (What is my sense of purpose?) 

 What is my Zone of Genius? From the book “The Great Leap” by Gay Hendricks: “What work do I do that doesn’t seem like work? In my work, what produces the highest ratio of abundance and satisfaction to the amount of time spent? 

 What is my leadership style, and what is the type of leader I want to work for? 

 What do I want to be doing consistently? What gives me energy when I engage in an activity related to a career? 

 These are big things to ponder, wonder about, and be curious about. It takes time. You’ll get frustrated. You’ll cave to the inner voice telling you you don’t need to do this. Just get a better resume and apply for some jobs that seem “good.” I see that over and over again, as well. The fear of change keeps so many people stuck or just shuffling between jobs, hoping and believing that this time will be different. Drifting but thinking they’re going somewhere purposeful. 

 Do you want to experience fulfillment, high levels of success, and be resilient in our exponentially changing world these days? Well, I suggest figuring out what you really, truly want. I did it, and it works! I’ve also seen many clients over the years do it and end up in amazing places doing incredible things. 

 So what ended up happening after that terrible Monday morning? 


I wish I could say that I cracked a beer, hopped on the intercom, said, “screw you guys,” then popped the emergency door releasing the slide to the tarmac, just like the famous Jet Blue employee did a few years ago. That would be a better story, but no. 


I quit that job, but it was another two months. I went on to a slightly better job doing the same thing that allowed me the space to do the hard work and figure out what it was that I really wanted to be doing. And BTW, I hired a coach to help me do that. 


Today, I have very high levels of fulfillment in my career. I have lots of energy and get energy from my work, not the other way around like it used to be. I enjoy my weekends and often excitedly look forward to Mondays. I feel like I’m in control of my career (ship) again, performing at my highest levels. 

 chStart today. Stop drifting or being blown; instead, take back control of your ship (career). I can confidently say that It’s a much better ride. 


Ready to move your leadership position or career forward? Send me a DM or click the “Grab a time to chat” link on my profile page.


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