Executive and Career Coaching

Unlocking leaders to create positive change 

Kirsten’s Transformational Journey

  • Successful Industry Transition
  • Earned Promotion and Salary Increase
  • Aligned Career with Passions
    Enhanced Leadership Skills
  • Improved Work-Life Balance
  • Career Clarity Achieved

Empowering emerging leaders to successfully navigate challenges and roadblocks to achieve the positive impact they want to have in the world


Kris asks great questions, reminds me to celebrate my victories, challenges me and, overall, does all the things I’m looking for in a coach. I continue to walk away from our conversations, even after 4 years, grateful for his insight and perspective. I am a strong believer in hiring a coach to drive personal growth and am so glad that I happened upon Kris 4 years ago.

Lindsey (went from COO position to consulting "dream job")

Kris Plemmons

Executive and career Coach

I help my clients get “un-stuck,” develop a clearer image of their career vision, while developing and sustaining the drive toward change.

“I can’t recommend Kris enough! He has a rare blend of professionalism, positivity and that zen-like ability to get you to enjoy working through challenging opportunities.”

I hired Kris to help me find a new job after quitting my job and moving to a new city. He provided me with valuable tools and advice to assist me with my job search and especially the interview process. His questions and advice during our bi-weekly coaching sessions really helped me process my thoughts and feelings on the job search process. During my job search I received and turned down several job offers. Kris’s coaching helped me have a clear picture of exactly what I was looking for in a role. His coaching gave me the confidence to turn down several offers because they weren’t the right fit for me and I knew I would be able to find something better suited for me. I ultimately found a great new job and with Kris’s coaching I was able to negotiate a significant salary increase from the initial offer. The skills I learned and gained from working with Kris are invaluable and I will use them for the rest of my life.

Alyssa Augsburger

Senior member of technical staff, Oracle

My coaching experience with Kris has been pivotal in both my professional and private life. Kris demonstrated his unique coaching skill set via a combination of patience, insight and clear communication. With his exceptional listening skills, Kris often suggested poignant actionable feedback. Paired with his contagious positive attitude, Kris will help you find a new path if you don’t have one or sharpen your existing one. Kris has a structured yet adaptive process to help you see yourself and others more clearly. He’ll walk you through thoughtful mental exercises that ultimately help uncover hidden assumptions. Furthermore, Kris is punctual, attentive to your schedule and serves as an excellent “soundboard” for new ideas. He provided several helpful resources, ranging from recent articles to relevant books that have proved useful well beyond my sessions. I look forward to working with Kris again.

Stephen Ohimor

Software Engineer, Decile

From the Blog

You Have More Power Than You Think, cont

You Have More Power Than You Think, cont

Remember (from the previous post), you have more power than you think.  As I mentioned, through small, deliberate actions, you can fashion your role so that it is more and more focused on the activities you like.  Here's how: First, get clear on what you...



"I'm overwhelmed and feeling burned out again. When we last spoke, I was in such a great place in my career. However, now, I feel like I've gone backward." Explained Mark. It had been over two years since Mark had stepped away from our executive coaching. I see this...

Achievement & Self Worth

Achievement & Self Worth

A year and a half ago, I had a powerful coaching call with a client that left a lasting impression on me. They were feeling exhausted and unsuccessful despite doing amazing, impactful work. As we unpacked this in the coaching session, it became clear their drive to...

Unleash Your Productivity: Harness the Power of NSDR

Unleash Your Productivity: Harness the Power of NSDR

Here's my favorite way to increase my performance during my workdays. And it's something that I recommend to all of my coaching clients.  It's a "nap hack" called NSDR or Non-Sleep Deep Rest. (A powerful way to unwind and relax quickly and deeply) But first:...

Agree or Disagree

Agree or Disagree

In our exponentially changing world, those who aren’t willing to experiment will fall further and further behind. Being able to let go of old convictions and embrace a curious and constant learner mindset is critical.  Test, learn, adapt, repeat.  Agree or...

I Confess, I Take 20-Minute Naps Most Weekdays

I Confess, I Take 20-Minute Naps Most Weekdays

Daily napping might sound indulgent or like I’m lazy, but here’s the thing: naps increase performance in amazing ways. Naps improve learning and memory (A 2010 study in Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, participants who napped showed notably better...

Unplug & Reset

Unplug & Reset

Here’s another one of those things that pains me to admit – I overcommitted and found myself on the path to burnout, AGAIN! Argh! 😬 LOL! Sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself! 😂 What happened? I was stressing out about too many things, not sleeping well, and...

Good News! You Only Need to Love 20% of what You Do

Good News! You Only Need to Love 20% of what You Do

What is one activity in your work that you are naturally drawn to? What do you like doing or even love doing? Can you spend at least 20% of your time doing it today? I had one of those days yesterday where I felt like it was all grind and no fun. While this is not...

Thinking of You

Thinking of You

Thinking of You While striving for excellence is admirable, it's important to remember that you don't have to go it alone. Exploring resources in your community, such as mentors, networking groups, and online communities can help you stay motivated and keep you on...