Careers are not a Solo Effort

Careers are not a Solo Effort

What’s the best way to stay on track to reach your leadership and career goals? Simple – have an accountability partner or partners.  When you lack accountability, letting things fall by the wayside is easy. Suddenly resulting in the year almost being up...
One Breath at a Time

One Breath at a Time

I’m suddenly aware that I feel a need to rush into the day, the week. Already stressing about my never-ending to-do list! The need to make up for the long holiday weekend.  Stepping back, taking a few grounding breaths, I remembered a recent insight. The...
An Inspiring Story

An Inspiring Story

Jace (pseudonym) was in an entry-level sales leadership position. He was having a lot of success. His team loved working for him. However, he felt stalled out, frustrated, and limited in his ability to grow within the company.  Jace was unclear about the path...
Do You Lead From a Place of Empathy?

Do You Lead From a Place of Empathy?

One of a leader’s most valuable skills is empathy- seeing another person’s perspective. Empathy, as a manager and a leader, encompasses understanding and sharing the emotions, thoughts, and experiences of those we lead. It goes beyond mere sympathy or...
Is the Grass Greener on the Other Side?

Is the Grass Greener on the Other Side?

Is the grass greener somewhere else? Or are you not seeing the green in yours? With so much focus on the “Great Resignation,” it’s easy to think things are better elsewhere. And while often this is true, have you really looked at your situation? Are you only seeing...