Daily napping might sound indulgent or like I’m lazy, but here’s the thing: naps increase performance in amazing ways. Naps improve learning and memory (A 2010 study in Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, participants who napped showed notably better retention of associative memory https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20176120/). Naps also increase focus and energy for the latter half of the day, plus many other performance-enhancing benefits.  

Want to get more done and do it better? Take daily naps when you can. Overall, napping increases your ability to perform at higher levels in your work. And working from home being more common these days, makes taking naps easier. 

In this day and age of never-ending to-do lists, running on the exhausting hamster wheel of stress, burnout, and toxic work environments, it’s critical to pause and recharge. 

How will you pause and recharge during your workday today and this week? In the comments section, inspire others in our community by posting your mid-day self-care routine below. 👇 And stay tuned for the next post, where I’ll share my go-to “nap hack.”