Here’s another one of those things that pains me to admit – I overcommitted and found myself on the path to burnout, AGAIN! Argh! 😬

LOL! Sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself! 😂

What happened? I was stressing out about too many things, not sleeping well, and feeling a lack of motivation during the day. 

Instead of grinding through all of it as I would have in the past, I stepped back, hit pause, and assessed what was essential. As a result, I stepped away from LinkedIn for the past month or so. This allowed me space to complete the essential projects from a calmer state. 

Sometimes you just need to hit pause and reset. Say no to the non-essentials and yes to only the essentials. This means saying yes to things like, in my case,  self-care (rest and recovery). 

It’s amazing how I forget these simple principles as someone who helps others with these exact things. But I also know that the game of life is full of forgetting and remembering. We get caught up in what’s happening and lose awareness of what we’ve learned. Inevitably something will come by and give you a slap to wake you up and remind you of what you know. 

When you take a step back on the path to mastery, it’s important to remember to give yourself some grace (love and compassion). Then take a deep breath, smile, and reset. It’s just part of the game of constant learning and growth. 

Take a moment to hit pause. What might you be forgetting?